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Weekly Charts

As of 7-21-2024

1. Rick Lally - Oh Woah
2.  Barbie Wills Dymond - The Reply
3.  Bo Ely and Caitlin - One More Band
4. Jjappleby - Time Ticking Away
5. JJ's Music Retaliation - Beat It Out

Hot New Music

Look below for new artists!

Conrad Sansbury - Bad For Me

Dizzy O'Brian - Twisting with the Fates

Joey Dogz - One Hit Wonder

Michael Nicholoff - Hey Good Lookin'

Rick Lally - Oh Woah

Mystic Of Melody - The Final Hour

djamesk13 - Then We See Our Stars

Barbie Wills Dymond - The Reply

Radio Dana - Celestial Symphony

Robert Watson - Mind Body & Soul

Jjappleby - Those Were The Day

Steve Contino - Pineapple and Malibu

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